Sunday, April 6, 2014


Ginger: It is known as the "universal remedy". It has multiple health benefits. Most known, ability to soothe an upset stomach and end nausea. It may aid in digestion. Works better in most cases for warding off seasickness. It is listed in the USDA database of phytochemicals as an antiemetic, meaning it has the property of preventing nausea and vomiting. Great to have around when you are pregnant.... Make homemade tea using ginger. The zingerone and the shoaol in ginger also have anti-inflammatory properties and might be useful in a nutritional program for arthritis and/or fibromyalgia. And at the Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research conference, it was suggested that gingerols may inhibit the growth of human colorectal cancer cells. The antitumorigenic effects helps boost the immune system. It has positive effects on the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, pain and fever. A nice hot cup of tea with ginger, lemon and honey is perfect. Just grate some ginger in a pan with water and brew. It has been noted for ginger's ability to improve circulation. NOTE: It can increase the absorption of other drugs and might have a blood thinning effect. Do not use ginger if you are taking Coumadin or aspirin. It might also increase bile acid secretion, which is why people with gallstones are advised to avoid this herb.

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